I recently mailed 300 letters to registered voters in Custer County. The voter list that I used is publicly available at the courthouse and is the same list that the election department used when they mailed out the ballots on October the 9th 2020. On the 13th I got 16 letters back that were marked as “undeliverable” by the post office. My math tells me that 5% were not delivered.
Custer County has right at 5,900 active voters on the rolls, and if my “undeliverable” letters percentage is an indicator of the election department “undeliverable” ballots, then roughly 295 Custer County voters will NOT be getting a ballot because of an address mix up.
Two quick thoughts:
- If we were voting at our normal polling places, this problem would be much smaller.
- If you know folks who have not gotten a ballot and they think they should have, please have them reach out to the elections department.
I’m betting that several races in Montana will be decided by less than 5%… Remember, races will be won by counting ballots not masks!
Mr. A. Miles City, Montana